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What To Write in a Baby Shower Book: How to Be Genuine and Fit Your Personality

Updated: 5 days ago

Find a message that fits your personality and conveys something meaningful to you.

Top 10 Dos and Don'ts for Inscribing a Baby Book

  1. Why write something? What is the purpose? An inscription triggers a connective memory for the reader, something that reminds them about a connection to a person or a fun moment. This memory will usually bring a smile to the reader's face. Children perceive more than we think and this smile, however fleeting or lingering, brings a sense of safety and security to the child. This feeling is neurologically and developmentally critical for kids ... and your note can trigger that nourishing moment!

  2. What is a message that will always work? Our favorite default message is "With Love, [name] (year)". For example, "With Love, Janine (2022)".

  3. Who do you address the message to: Baby or Parents? The baby.

  4. How long should the message be? 2 - 30 words usually works best to convey a full thought while also working within space constraints.

  5. Where should I write the message? Look for open space on a pen-friendly page (avoid slippery surfaces as they will smudge).

    1. In a hard cover book, usually the inside cover is best spot ... there is usually no other text, it has light background, and is a non-slippery page. Next best is on one of the intro pages where this is a lot of white space.

    2. In a board book, look for an open area in the inside over or first page. The back cover or back inside cover are also options if needed.

  6. But what if there is no space? Try harder. Some books, especially board books, may not give you many options. Still, try to find a tiny spot to write a few words and sign you name [such as "With Love, Tim (2022)"] . It's worth squeezing it in because being able to remember who the book is from amps up the treasure value immensely.

  7. Best pen to use? Be careful of smudging the ink. If the writing surface is like paper, anything will do (ball point pen, felt pen, marker, pencil). But if the surface is slippery, a Sharpie is best. Either way, leave the book open for a few minutes to let the ink dry.

  8. Should I add the year? Yes. It helps to trigger the memory and moment of gifting, often resulting in a smile on the parents' face (or in their voice) which a child is likely to pick up on.

  9. What about the full date? No. A full date is bulky; the year is sufficient.

  10. Should I add the location? Depends. If the book is gifted outside the child's hometown (vacation, visiting family, etc), then adding the location is a great idea! If its gifted in the child's hometown, save the clutter and don't include the location.

Example Messages ...

1. Lovey Dovey

  • With Love

  • Given with love and the hope that these words will open the world of {literature} to you. (Replace "literature" with something meaningful to you such as "poetry, nature, music, art, mathematics, skiing, animals, etc")

  • May every story you read bring your inspirations of adventure.

  • Wishing you many nights of bedtime stories and sweet dreams.

  • Reading Together = Happy Families!

  • Always have a story to tell.

  • May your life be a beautiful story.

  • May your heart be full of love and your shelves be full of books.

  • We’ll always be here for you no matter what.

  • You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you know.

  • Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.

  • Enjoy this book before bed, and for all of the amazing years ahead.

  • All that wishing upon stars worked. Our little dream is finally here.

  • Your arrival makes everyone believe that fairy tales really do come true.

  • Wishing you a lifetime of love, health, and adventure.

  • May you always find whatever it is you're searching for.

  • I've loved you since before I laid eyes on you, and I'll love you long after my eyesight's gone.

  • Escape to these pages whenever you need a reminder that someone's always looking out for you.

2. Prompts

  • This was one of my favorite books as a kid. I loved it because ___________.

  • When I saw this book, I knew it would be perfect for you. It's __________ and __________, just like I know you will be.

  • Turning the pages of a book makes me remember just what is most important in life. _________ and _________.

  • When you open the pages of a good book, it will _____________________.

3. Conversational

  • I am so excited to meet you and share my favorite book with you! I hope you love it as much as I did when I was little.

  • You are the hero of your own story, but here's some pretty good inspiration.

  • Remind me to tell you about your mom when you’re older!

  • Here’s to happy days ahead.

  • This book is a lot like your family. A sturdy cover and lots of joy to discover.

  • What do good books and good friends have in common? They'll both take you places you never thought you could go.

4. Humorous

  • Some people say life is an unwritten story, but what's wrong with it being like this children's book? Simple, colorful, and doesn't take too much work to figure it out.

  • If I can give you a piece of advice as you grow up, it's this: You should never live without coffee, chocolate, and a good book.

5. Quotes by Authors

  • Promise me you’ll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. - A.A. Milne (author of Winnie-the-Pooh)

  • And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (author of Petit Prince)

  • And Max, the king of all wild things, was lonely and wanted to be where someone loved him best of all. - Maurice Sendak (author of Where the Wild Things Are)

  • I love you right up to the moon – and back. - Sam McBratney (author of I Love You to the Moon and Back)

  • Little kids should never be sent to bed. They always wake up a day older, and then before you know it they're grown. - J.M. Barrie (author of Peter Pan)

  • On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonders that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, “Life will never be the same.” - Nancy Tillman (author of On the Night You Were Born)

  • There’s no place like home. - L. Frank Baum (author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)

  • And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. - Roald Dahl (author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

  • Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you. - Dr. Seuss

  • I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship. - Louisa May Alcott (author of Little Women)

  • “We can all dance” he said, “if we find the music that we love.” - Giles Andreae (author of Giraffes Can't Dance)

  • Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale. - Hans Christian Andersen (author of The Ugly Duckling)

  • Real isn’t how you are made, it’s a thing that happens to you. - Margery Williams (author of The Velveteen Rabbit)

  • I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be. - Robert Munsch (author of I'll Love You Forever)

  • Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? - Lucy Maud Montgomery (author of Anne of Green Gables)

  • No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop’s Fables

  • I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I know I can. - Watty Piper (author of The Little Engine That Could)

  • “It is a smile of a baby that makes life worth living.” - Debasish Mridha

  • "Little one, the world is your oyster. Grow big and strong and set the universe aflame." - Emily Winfield Martin (author of The Wonderful Things You Will Be)

  • "Darling, when you call, I'll come running." - Shel Silverstein (author of The Giving Tree)

  • "When it comes to the family lottery, you hit the jackpot, little baby." - Steve Wilson (author of Welcome to the World)

  • "Wonderful baby, wish upon a star. Never forget you are loved for who you are." - Amy Krouse Rosenthal (author of I Wish You More)

6. Compliments to the Parents

  • You are one of the lucky ones. You were born with incredible parents who love you dearly. As you navigate the world, always remember how special you are.

  • I hope when you read this book with your parents, you feel love and comfort. I know you will be such an amazing child because you have amazing role models. I can’t wait to watch you grow.

  • We are all so excited to welcome you to this world! I’m wishing you peaceful nights, big smiles and warmth from your parents’ arms as you navigate your first months. As you grow, I hope you know how loved you are.

  • When I found out you were coming, I was so excited for your parents. There is no greater love in this world than the love between a child and parent. I can’t wait for you to get here so you can feel that love firsthand. You deserve the world and beyond.

  • I just want to tell you how lucky you are to have such amazing parents. I hope you have your mama’s smile. You know, the one that can light up any room she walks into. I can’t wait to meet you soon little one, you should see how excited your parents are.

  • Welcome, little one! I can’t wait to get to know you and watch you grow up alongside the wonderful family you’ve been brought into.

  • I hope you grow up to be as loving as your mommy and as outgoing as your daddy. They’re the sweetest people I know, so I believe you’re going to be an exceptional little girl/boy.”

7. Encourage Reading

  • “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Frederick Douglass

  • “There are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love of books is the best of all.” – Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  • "From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. But when books are opened you discover you have wings.” – Helen Hayes

  • "It is books that are the key to the wide world; if you can't do anything else, read all that you can." – Jane Hamilton

  • "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life." – Walt Disney

  • With this book, I hope you’ll grow to love reading. Reading is a gift that can transport you to other worlds and make life more exciting. We all love you and are so excited for your life journey. You are so special to us already.

  • One more snuggle, one more book. This favorite book of mine will have you hooked.

  • Dream a little dream, read a little book, live a lot of life.

  • Two of the best things come in small packages: babies and books!

Reading with a child is much more than academic literacy ... its about fostering moments of safety, security and connection for the child. Even a small message (our fav is "With Love, YourName") nails it. Your note will offer a sense of connection to the reader, who in turn can pass that feeling on to the child.


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