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Popular German books and German favorites translated into English


Rhyming book in German. Physically tiny (2x2"), it's a classic that has endured the test of time.

Mira Lobe

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In this German language edition of The Day Everything Went Wrong, Badger decides to give himself a treat and only do things that he enjoys! But from the moment he gets out of bed and nearly knocks over his lamp, everything goes wrong. When he visits each of his friends, he discovers something surprising . . . Could everyone be having a miserable day? But Badger�۪s biggest surprise of all happens when he gets back home.

Moritz Petz

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Are you looking for your little dog named Bobby? Little dogs like to play, right? But sometimes, they disappear, what a shame! The search for Bobby the little dog is a delightful read-aloud. Why did he leave without his bone? Did he go to the dentist? Is he in the park chasing ducks? Where did he go? Kids will learn different places, objects, and simple questions and answers, but mostly, they will cry out a loud "hooray" when the funny dog is discovered at the end. Where? Well, just read . . . Your kids will want to read this story again and again! Here's what makes this book special: Each line is both in English and German and kid-friendly The story is simple and suitable for early age learning All the illustrations are original, creative, and super fun Kids learn quickly and easily. With bilingual children's books, you set them up for success and expand their horizons from an early age! This dual-language bedtime story is part of the series "Where is . . .?" which is specifically designed to teach children new foreign words and phrases as you read to them. The book is also available in other languages. If you and your children like courageous animals and a bit of seek-and-find, then you'll both love this charming story!

Ingo Blum

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Antonio Pahetti


Klein-Hasi - Was ich alles mag. Klein-Hasi ist noch ein ganz kleines Häschen. Aber es weiß schon ganz genau, was ihm so richtig Spaß macht. Ganz besonders mag es: einen hohen Turm aus Bauklötzchen bauen oder im Regen spazieren gehen. Aber am allermeisten mag es Kuscheln mit Mama und Papa. Und du? Was magst du am meisten? Ein Bilderbuch mit vielen, liebevollen Illustrationen für die Kleinsten. Ab 2 Jahren.

Alexandra Dannenmann

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Teach Your Children First Words in English or German A little bird is afraid of heights. The other birds laugh at him and say, "Birds love flying high in the sky. No bird is afraid of heights!" The little bird loves the sky. He tries to fly but can never fly up more than a few feet. He is too afraid. So he watches the other birds fly into the sky and leave him. But then something strange happens... Read how the shy little bird overcomes his fears. Here's what makes this book special: Each line is both in English and German The story is simple and suitable for early age learning Introduces concepts of problem-solving, cooperation, and teamwork. All the illustrations are original, creative, and super fun AND SO MUCH MORE! Kids learn quickly and easily. With bilingual children's books, you set them up for success and expand their horizons from an early age! This dual-language story is specifically designed to teach children new foreign words and phrases as you read to them. The book is also available in other languages. For all kids learning English or German as a second language.

Ingo Blum

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Liubov Gorbova


Weil der kleine Krake keine Flossen hat, kann er nicht schwimmen. Aber er will es unbedingt lernen, weil er wenigstens ein einziges Mal die Sonne sehen will. Jeden Tag übt er fleißig. Der kleine gelbe Fisch hat ihm nämlich erzählt, die Sonne habe auch keine Flossen. Trotzdem könne sie schwimmen. Abends versinke sie im Meer und am Morgen schwimme sie wieder nach oben. Ob es dem kleinen Kraken wohl gelingt, die Sonne zu sehen? Ein Bilderbuch mit vielen farbigen Illustrationen für Kinder ab 2 Jahren.

Alexandra Dannenmann

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🌙✨🦄🦄 Es ist Schlafenszeit für kleine Einhörner.Aber.... sie sind ja noch gar nicht müde.Sie möchten noch soooo viele Sachen machen, bevor sie ins Bett gehen. 🦄🦄 Liebevoll gestaltete, kurzweilige Einschlaf-Geschichte mit ganz viel schlaffördernder Wirkung. Denn wenn kleine Einhörner schlafen gehen, kannst du es auch!Schlaf gut 🌙💤✨ mit Mila und Moo 🦄🦄

Elle Scott

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meaningful additions

Children learn and hear more than we think.  Books provide context for new and potentially confusing topics, and give caregivers a way to approach complex topics.

Balanced Rocks
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