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Winter's Gift

Winter's Gift
"The star is the most important part of the tree," she would say. "It's a symbol of hope, and no matter how bad things get, you should always have hope." It may be Christmastime but on a small, forlorn farm the holiday season is best forgotten, along with painful memories of loved ones lost. Mother Nature has other plans, however, and a chance snowstorm brings together two unlikely hearts, one human and one beast, yet both yearning for comfort, companionship, and that most elusive gift of all, hope. This lustrous jewel of a story, quietly told and perfectly complemented by soft, evocative paintings, reminds even the most cynical of readers that the heart indeed can recover and go on.

Christmas, Friendship

average rating is 4.7 out of 5, based on 190 votes, reviews

Jane Monroe Donovan

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